Alice in Wonderland Ketubah

Alice in Wonderland Ketubah

Alice in Wonderland 2A colleague of mine referred a lovely couple from New York who had only the beginnings of an idea as to a design. They thought about having a hamsa and some floral elements around it. I spoke to them and asked them if they wanted to add a personal touch. Since this was to be a custom order, they could really ask for anything to be included.

They returned to me with a very interesting request for a ketubah. They asked for an Alice in Wonderland design inside of a Hamsa. The idea seemed so charming and whimsical, and it was all the more so when I learned that their wedding was completely Alice in Wonderland themed. Their invitation was a picture book and it even featured their photos in character.

I had a lot of fun making this ketubah design.   Alice in Wonderland 3
In keeping with the fact that the original request was a floral design, I thought that the painted roses would be an ideal centerpiece for the ketubah.Alice in Wonderland 4The white rabbit is a rendition of the original John Tenniel illustrations from the original 1865 edition of the book. I included portraits of the couple in character. The groom is depicted as the Mad Hatter.

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I personally really enjoyed coming up with a cheshire cat design. There is something about the stripes that works so well cut out of the paper.
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